One Style Fits All feat. Thea Elise Klingvall

– My relationship to streetwear is first and foremost graffiti, that’s what’s most personal to me. I was introduced to graffiti kind of late in life, actually because I was dating someone that was part of the graffiti community, Thea Elise Klingvall says.


We meet Thea Elise Klingvall, feminist, artist and painter and one of the front figures in Junkyard's latest campain, in an apartment in Oslo filled of paintings, pastel colors and thoughtfully curated decorations. She tells us that her art is inspired by old love stories, soap operas from the 80's and bold motifs with a romantic twist. We try to carefully sneak by a painted canvas on our way to the livingroom. The painting shows a pastel blue sky with pink and lilac clouds. Thea smiles and reassures us that it would take a lot to manage to knock it over.



Streetwear goes with everything!

Thea turns down the volume so it doesn't interfere with our voice recording, even though the photographer likes the music she's playing. She's wearing a pink denim skirt from The Cava Company, a blue hoodie from Sweet SKTBS and Converse Run Star Hike sneakers with a chunky platform sole. 

– I often wear streetwear during my job as an artist, especially when working on large murals or larger projects that I can't work on here in the apartment, Thea says. 

– Streetwear is comfortable and is all about expressing yourself. There's not necessarily any rigid rules of what's considered "pretty". To me, streetwear is a perfect work outfit, preferably pieces that I'm not afraid to stain. Even though I'm afraid to getting stains on everything. It's part of the job, she says, smiling.


Streetwear + sneakers = true

Every streetwear outfit needs a pair of cool sneakers, whether they're fresh out the box or well worn! Maybe your love for sneakers goes way back, or maybe it's a newfound love. No matter how long you've been wearing sneakers, you'll probably always remember your very first pair. Some shoes will always be iconic to you. Maybe from a brand you find yourself always returning to, a forever favorite? 

– I would say that my very first pair of sneakers was from Converse.

– I have worn Converse since I was 15-16 years old. I even wore them to the 17th of May celebration, to everything! I wore them often and I had many different pairs. I had turquoise, the high tops, and low tops. I had black, red and pink. I'm actually considering getting a pair of brown Converse right now. 


How to find inspiration to work creatively

It's not always easy to find inspiration when starting a new creative project. Sitting in front of a blank word document or canvas is a brutal reality. Hearing about other creatives' working methods can be as inspiring as the work itself:

– I'm painting from a feminine and feminist point of view, so I find inspiration in many strong women and role models, Thea says.

– To me, art is about being strong enough to be free and happy. But I also find inspiration in everything, anything beautiful and timeless. Like sunsets, the sea, walks in nature, and I travel a lot, she continues.


See all products from the collection HERE


Culture and community in the art world

Thea has learned a lot about culture and community from traveling and her international friends and colleagues.

– Good culture is so important. I miss a better "I got your back" mentality here at home. In Norway, we have kind of a bad culture with people we don't necessarily have the best relationship with. 

– My friends abroad post things about other people on social media all the time. When I do, I get questions from my Norwegian friends "Why do you promote other peoples' art instead of my own"? It's simply because I like their art, so why wouldn't I promote it, she explains.

– I think community and cohesion is extremely important and we as creators should encourage each other to create more and push each other forward. It'll be more fun for everyone if we do. 


The best (and worse) advice to young creatives

– Put your phone on airplaine mode, Thea says automatically.

– Everything about art and being creative is really about practice and discipline to actually execute the job, not just sit in front of a screen. Don't make a plan, don't overthink it, just do it because you actually have to. You will fail many times and it will take time. If you're creating something, it's ultimatily a craft and you have to invest time in your craft.

– You have to be prepared to fail, and when you do, you have to try again and again and again, she says.

And what's the worse advice you've been given?

- That I shouldn't become an artist, she concludes and smiles.